Friday, February 28, 2020


Image result for goals meme

When starting any project, it is important to start with a goal in mind. For this week's blog post, I would like for you to set a goal or goals for your project. So if you are learning to play the guitar, is there a particular song that you want to be able to play by the end of the project to show your success.? If you want to do photography, do you want to be adept at editing photos by the end of the project? If you plan to learn to bake, what dessert are you going to bake to show that you have succeeded at being a baker?

Setting goals is important, but its hard to achieve a goal if you don't have a plan. What is your plan to achieve your goal? What steps will you need to take in order to achieve your goal? Do you have a timeline in mind? What research do you need to do so that you are successful? What materials do you need to work towards your goal. 

It's also important for you to anticipate any potential challenges that could impede you from reaching your goal. What are some challenges that you may face along your learning journey? What are some ways for you to overcome those challenges?

I have already seen some great ideas, and I look forward to seeing what you can achieve. Good luck and let me know if I can be of any assistance 😀

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