Thursday, March 12, 2020

Spring Break is Upon Us!!!!

Image result for spring break 2020

I think that we can all agree that everyone is in need of a break from school! I don't have any fun plans over Spring Break, do you? 

For you blog post this week, I want you to update your progress so far. What have you done to work on your project? Have you worked on it outside of school hours, or only during the time allotted in class? Do you plan to dedicate anytime to the project over spring break? If so, what do you plan to do? Have you encountered any hurdles so far in the project? If so what are they? 

Use the questions above to aid you in writing your blog post for this week. As always you don't have to write about the answers to my questions; they are intended to help if you are stuck. Remember that your blog should be a running log of what you are learning and how the something that you are doing is progressing so writing about those things is just fine too. 

So.... by the time you get back from Spring Break, you should have at least four completed blog posts. Hope you have a safe and relaxing break!

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Spring Break is Upon Us!!!!

I think that we can all agree that everyone is in need of a break from school! I don't have any fun plans over Spring Break,...